// JavaScript Document const mytitle = "    VOYAGE À NEW YORK      "; const mysubtitle = "Cours INF-5075-2: Photoshop"; const copywrite = "© 2018 Patric Fontaine"; const footerLeft = "Index des contenus"; const footerCenter = "Information sur la SA"; const footerRight = "ENG       |       Patric Fontaine 2019   —   Licence Creative Commons BY-NC"; /*jshint multistr: true */ const myfooter = '\ \ \ \ '; function gotoLink(mylink){ location.href = mylink; } function storeValues(lbl,answ) { localStorage.setItem(lbl, answ); return true; } function storeValuesEdge(lbl, setmyVariable) { storeValues(lbl, setmyVariable) } function showArticle(hide, show, goto) { // FadeIn - FadeOut the articles var box1 = document.getElementById(hide); var box2 = document.getElementById(show); box1.addEventListener("transitionend", function() { box1.style.display = "none"; box2.style.opacity = "1"; if(typeof goto !== "undefined"){ location.href = goto; } }, false); box1.style.opacity = "0"; box2.classList.toggle("articleShow"); box2.style.display = "block"; } function fadeIn(Art) { // Function to FadeIn the article Title bar var box = document.getElementById(Art); box.addEventListener("transitionend", function() { // location.href = "#top"; }, false); // setTimeout(ChangeDisplay, 2000); setTimeout(ChangeDisplay, 500); function ChangeDisplay() { box.style.display = "block"; // setTimeout(ChangeOpacity, 1000); setTimeout(ChangeOpacity, 250); } function ChangeOpacity() { box.style.opacity = "1"; } } function slideText(slideout,slidein) { $(slideout).slideUp(500); $(slidein).slideDown(500); } function loadAnswers(qu) { let str = localStorage.getItem(qu); str = str.replace(/(\n)+/g, '
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